Balayogini - The Great Indian Film Hunt

Balayogini – The Great Indian Film Hunt

K.R. Chellam and Baby Saroja in Balayogini, source: Last accessed May 2014

K.R. Chellam and Baby Saroja in Balayogini

"Baby Saroja" in Balayogini Source: Last accesed: May 2014

“Baby Saroja” in Balayogini

Balayogini (1936)

(‘Child Widow’) Tamil: பாலயோகினி; Telugu: బాలయోగిని

Dir: K. Subramanyam. Studio: Madras United Artists Corporation. IMDB entry

First children’s film made in South India. Made in Tamil and Telugu, film historians consider it one of the most important social interest South Indian films ever made. Child artist Baby Saroja was dubbed by the press as “India’s Shirley Temple” and the film was praised for commenting on the plight of widows in India.

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Baby Saroja in Balayogin 1936
Balayogini 1936